Thursday, March 27, 2014

Changing Perspectives

     The following is a situation that caused a misunderstanding and almost ended a marriage.  Terry and Anna had been married for three years and continued to drift farther and farther apart.  Terry had been spending more time at the office, leaving early and not coming home until late.  Anna tired of coming home to an empty house and eating her meals alone would try to talk with Terry about the issues; meanwhile, Terry would never say a word, driving the wedge between them even deeper.  The lack of communication was taking its toll on them both.  One day Anna told Terry that she had had enough, if he wanted to be alone then she would move into another part of the house they shared; with that, she moved her things.  This situation is played out in hundreds if not thousands of American households every day.  Both Terry and Anna viewing their situation from only one perspective, lacking the one piece of information needed; that of the other person.  Several months later, Terry finally came to Anna and told her that his business has been struggling, and he may have to lay off all his employees and close the doors.
     Armed with this new information, Anna began to understand why Terry was spending all his time at the office.  Spending his days trying to acquire new business or to change what he was currently doing to save his business.  Possessing this additional information Anna was able look at their situation differently.  Terry was not trying to avoid spending time with her out of malice but out of apprehension and fear.  Fear that she would think less of him as a man, fear that she would leave him because he was a failure.  When, in fact, he had created a self-fulfilling destiny buy not communicating his situation.  What Terry feared the most he had created; but for different reasons then he imagined.  Anna, after trying so hard to have Terry talk to her and to involve her in his life stopped trying when she moved into the other room.  Terry believed that Anna stopped loving him, when all she wanted was to spend more time with him and to be a part of his life.  After Terry relayed his information about his business, Anna shared with him her fears that he was going to leave her.  This information made him realize Anna was not criticizing him by continued to approach him about his time, she was trying to share in his experiences and daily concerns; to stay connected through intimacy.
     While religious differences can create added stressors to any situation the same can be said for different views in cultural and personal beliefs.  A failure to understand the customs and history of another person could greatly affect the outcome of this situation.  Different cultures and personal beliefs can appear as a lack of empathy for the other person rather than a lack of understanding.  Jumping to a wrong conclusion would be easy when there are misunderstandings or lack of communication.  For the person who is always giving in and making concessions to mitigate problems it may feel like the other person has no compassion; enduring relationships are equitable, each person willing and able to concede or forgive for the others benefit.  Religiously speaking, the Bible states in First Corinthians 7:28 “…those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this” (NIV, 1985, p. 1784).  With that understanding, those who marry should prepare for marital strife.  The Bible also instructs to love and respect one another.  When there is a failure to understand this, troubles begin; Terry too prideful to let Anna know he was having struggles and Anna allowing bitterness to cloud her judgment.  Without the promise or commitment to stay together Terry and Anna’s marriage may have been torn asunder.  However, their beliefs that God would prevail helped them to stay committed.  According to Bolt (2004) “Committed people seem to respond with greater self-restraint when provoked by their partner and to show greater willingness to sacrifice self-interest for the good of the relationship” (p. 38).  Without this belief they may not have persevered through this difficult situation. 
     Other factors that can influence perception of an event are personality, mood, or situation.  If either Anna or Terry had a different personality this situation could have progressed in a different manner.  An adaptive personality by Anna would have resulted in her never trying to change her situation.  A selective personality could have resulted in a divorce.  Approaching Terry and Anna’s situation requires a heightened level of emotional intelligence: perception and expression, facilitation of thought, understanding, and management (Bolt, 2004, p. 83-84).  If either could not recognize the fear or pain their situation was causing they may have proceeded without empathy or care.  By not allowing emotions to rule the decisions made, but harnessing the more effective problem-solving and decision-making capabilities they could think more creatively about their issues.  Someone without the ability to control his or her moods would have a difficult time interpreting them to others.  While personality and mood should be taken into consideration so too should the situation itself; it is either acceptable or not acceptable.  Deciding to accept the situation as it is, change it so that it is acceptable, or to move on as a way to eliminate the current situation are the choices that can be made.  Regardless of whose interests are viewed personality type, mood, or the situation itself can affect the way it is interpreted.
     Every event has more than one perspective when taking into consideration others involved, religion, culture, personal beliefs, mood, personality, and the situation itself.  Any new piece of information or layer to the situation has the capability of changing how it is perceived.  To Anna, Terry seemed to be distant and aloof; however, when she learned that he was having difficulties at the office her perception changed and she realized he was apprehensive and fearful of his situation.  Terry thought Anna uncaring and bitter, only to learn she was expressing intimacy and concern.  The situation could have been perceived differently had they not shared in the comfort of their religion, or had different cultural or personal beliefs; each relying on their own background as a reference on how to cope with their situation.  Learning to acknowledge and express emotions helps to look effectively at situations from different perspectives.  While personality style and mood also change situations, each person must assess his or her own situation after considering all aspects associated with the issue.  When difficult situations arise, perhaps looking at it from a modified perspective can make the difference to produce a more positive outcome.  

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